07885 990201 (Office Mobile)

Intuition Course - June - Hereford

Intuition workshop:

Here is a wonderful testamonial from one of the participants last year:

Attending Jaqui Hoiting's Intuition Workshop was truly transformative. Through Jaqui's guidance, I learned to trust my intuition and harness the power of manifesting and dowsing. Not only have I discovered and addressed a gluten intolerance through dowsing, but I've also successfully manifested long-desired goals. My aspirations to own a salon, which is currently in progress, along with my weight loss journey (I've lost two stone to date), and newfound confidence in myself and my abilities are all fruits of this workshop. This experience has empowered me to take control of my life in ways I never thought possible. Thank you, Jaqui, for this invaluable experience.'


For more information on this course please look at the courses/workshop area of the site.

19 March, 2024

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