07885 990201 (Office Mobile)

About Bowen Training UK

Bowen Training is affiliated to Bowtech and The Bowen Association of Australia. Bowen Training UK strives to educate and promote the benefits of Bowen Therapy across the UK. We truly follow the ethos that “every body is better with Bowen!”


We offer nationally-recognised courses in Bowen Therapy as well as Continued Professional Development (CPD) in the form of Workshops – both on-line and in person with our instructors.


Our courses are delivered by our 10 qualified, experienced professional tutors who have trained and practiced as therapists for several years before taking on the role of a tutor. A tutor with Bowen Training UK is required to gain national teacher training qualifications as well as training with other qualified Bowen tutors to maintain quality.


If you look at the information about UK instructors on the instructor’s tab of this website, you will be able to find out more about our instructors as well as their location.